Meet Branden

My name is Branden Fletcher Dominguez. I am a community organizer and housing advocate running for State Representative in Wilmington’s 3rd District. I was born in New York and moved into this community when I was just an 11-year-old boy, via the Chinatown Fourth St. Bus, with my family seeking for better opportunities from the city we could no longer afford to live in. I attended Delaware Public Schools – attending William Penn High School and then Wilmington University, studying Government and Public Policy. I am a proud Afro-Latino, with my mother’s family migrating from Puerto Rico to NYC in the early 1950s and on my father’s side from the South to the North in the 1940s settling in the large African American community of Central Brooklyn. My diverse upbringing shaped me into an inclusive, passionate and caring young activist. As a young man, I experienced housing insecurity and saw my community ravaged by gun violence. And I’ve experienced how working people and people of color are unjustly marginalized and left behind in our society. These life experiences and my passion for change led me to become a community organizer, where I began training with Network Delaware and started working on campaigns to change policy in city council and the state legislature.

Volunteer and Community Roles: