Branden Fletcher Dominguez

Democrat For

State House
District 3

I’m running to fight for our community.

I became a Public Ally in 2020 where I started an Eviction Defense Project and served as Community Engagement Specialist with Westside Grows Together, helping our neighbors with home repair, coordinating events and other neighborhood improvement projects in the Westside community. I’ve seen how those with influence and wealth call the shots in Dover. For years, real estate developers and corporations have pulled the strings, while those affected by their policies are shut out and pushed to the margins. As a housing advocate, I organized with other renters, and we won historic housing protections that began to put power back in the hands of renters across the state. I’m running to serve as the next State Representative of District 3, to fight for safer streets, housing as a human right, and end to income inequality.

I’ve spent my life as an organizer, fighting for the future we deserve.

The fight for housing justice inspired me to run for office, but we still have so much work to do to change Delaware and to help make it equitable for all.

I’m running for the State House because I know we won’t change the system until we change our leadership. It’s time for poor, working-class, and young people to have a seat at the table. As the first Gen-Z member of the State House of Representative, from day one, I will fight to end gun violence, win Healthcare for All, transform our racist criminal justice system, and end the climate crisis.

Our campaign is built on a deep love of Wilmington and our Westside community – its residents, its history, its resilience, and its promise. We are organizing a coalition of people behind a platform that represents their values and interests.

As a community organizer, I know how to bring people together to advance change. As a housing advocate, I worked with our legislators to pass basic housing protections, like SS1 to SB1 Renters’ Right to Representation. While serving in leadership of the 5th District Neighborhood Planning Council, I organized my neighbors & saved Adams Street Basketball Courts, demanding more public engagement from Del DOT during public infrastructure improvement projects. And when I witnessed a shooting on my block, I rallied with our community and the hundreds of young activists in the fight against gun violence.